Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Day Aqi Came

Today was supposedly Aqi's birthday... instead he came 15 days earlier.

OCTOBER 9 ... I started feeling some stomach ache at around 10am. I thought I was having some kind of diarrhea. Humihilab ang tiyan ko. This went on the whole day with the pain fluctuating in intensity and with unpredictable interval of 2, 5 or 7 minutes apart.
My mom wanted me to go to the hospital already but I refused to do so. I thought I was just having some braxton hicks contraction because it still wasn't my due date. Also, I didn't have the signs of labor like a bloody show in my undies or water bag rupturing.
Finally at around 9pm I couldn't imagine myself enduring the pain all night, I decided to call my OB for enlightenment. Since the interval of my contractions were less than 10 minutes apart she suggested that I go to the hospital and have them hook me up to a fetal monitor to check if I was indeed in labor.

Bong and I arrived at the ER of Manila Doctors Hospital at around 12mn.
I was brought up to the delivery room and was hooked up to a fetal monitor. This time the contractions were really severe. They did an IE on me and true enough my cervix was already 8cm dilated! My bag of water was forcefully ruptured. I was indeed in labor.

In my mind I was hoping that they would inject the epidural right away. This was the most excruciating pain that I've ever felt in my whole life. This is from someone who has a high tolerance for pain.

I gave birth to Aqi at 2:50 am on October 10.
This date happens to be our 10th year anniversary as boyfriend/girlfriend.
Galing timing ni Aqi, dba?