Monday, June 18, 2007

It's a Boy!

happy news! happy news!
i had my ultrasound last thursday and found out that my Baby Bear is a boy!
the first picture shows how big my baby has grown. while the second pix, the one with the small arrow, shows that my baby is a boy. the small arrow is actually pointing at his penis. figure it out already? the doctor/sonologist said that my baby has quite a long penis. hehehe....

trivia: we still don't have a name yet for the baby so for the meantime we call our little one Baby Bear. it's a shortcut for Baby Bernal--->Baby Bear-nal...gets?

my second happy news is that my 2 myomas, i call them maymay, has reduced in size! thank God!
so far it has been a smooth 21 weeks(5months and 1 week) for me. maymay was really asymptomatic so i wasn't really bothered. there are just 2 things that bother me:

  1. low back pain
  2. unpredictable bowel movement
my back just really aches and aches and aches....
while my excretory system doesn't have a fixed time when to poop. i usually end up always having wet wipes in my bag for emergencies when i'm caught in the mall. or if i don't feel the urge to poop it becomes really bothersome because my tummy gets really heavy and distended and i suddenly will walk like a penguin. hay, to think i'm only in my 5th month!