Saturday, May 10, 2008

Shopping in India

Back from New Delhi.
Bought a couple of scarves and shawls. Some of it for selling.
Also bought some medicines for my parents. Medicines in India are so cheap, around 60-50% cheaper. But I am very selective of what I buy. I check first for the pharmaceutical company before I decide if it's worth buying. My parents health is at stake here. Well I also bought StressGuard, an anti-stress capsule. It is herbal based from ayurveda.
I guess i need this supplement because I have 4 of the listed stress triggers.

Surprisingly the weather in India when we were there wasn't too hot. It was a bit overcast therefore we had a pleasant market-hopping experience. We went to Janpath, which is a stone throw away from our hotel, Khan market and the timeless Sarojini Nagar market. It is in this market where we find Mango, Zara, H&M, Gap, Roxy, Billabong tops and dresses. They're quality control rejects but you just have to be patient enough to inspect each item. Also, patience is also needed in bargaining with the tindero. The technique in dealing with indians is to bargain at 50% off the price and if they don't agree just walk away and let them chase you.

Books in India are also very cheap. They're like 30-40% cheaper. I am currently reading Chicken Soup for the New Moms Soul.

I also bought 5 shirts and 2 shorts for Aqi at 75rupees each. So cheap!

Ayan na-miss ko na naman ang baby ko.